Tuesday 27 May 2014

Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Avadhoota Datta Peetham


Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Avadhoota Datta Peetham is a remarkable place in the quiet city of Mysore. Upon arrival you are led into a serene and pure atmosphere, pervaded with Vedic chantings, the resonance of which speaks to your heart. This atmosphere makes all the difference, your heart sinks deeper into peaceful states, you feel relaxed. Above all, a spiritual calm and, the bottom line, a peaceful mind for a few important moments enters your life. Come and join in for a guided tour through the ashram!

Daily Worship

If you are prompted to take part in the daily worship, there are religious activities to sponsor each morning as a part of seeking Blessings, such as Sri Chakra PujaHoma, orTailabhishekam.. Traditional Theertha (holy water) is offered after Shree Chakra Puja. At the close of the day you may join the bhajan session (devotional singing). Morning Sri Chakra Puja is performed by either Sri Swamiji or Sri Bala Swamiji when they are in town. The Puja starts at 8 AM. Sri Swamiji gives Darshana to devotees on Sunday morning after Puja.


Maha Shivaratri, Sri Swamiji's Birthday, Navaratri, and Datta Jayanti are the most auspicious events that take place at the Ashram. Each occurs once a year at a preditermined date according to the Hindu astrological calendar. These festivals are unique in their character and cannot be found performed in a similar way anywhere in India or throughout the world. At these festivals you will experience a unique combination of vedic rituals, classical music, classical dance and traditional drama. Conducted simultaneously this creates an atmosphere of a pure and complete act of worship. Here the myriad arts of India return to their source in true vedic culture and worship.
NAVARATRI - (September / October) The nine day festival to observe the prayer to Mother Goddess. Sri Swamiji worships Mother Goddess Raja Rajeshwari through the traditional and sacred Nava Avarana Puja. The day starts around 8 AMwith procession from Datta Temple to Nada Mantapa. Sri Swamiji and Sri Bala Swamiji come along the procession carrying the procession idol of Mother Goddess Raja Rajeswari. Drummers, Mantra ChantingUpon arrival in Nada Mantapa, Sri Swamiji performs Kumari Puja (worshipping children from age 1 thru 16). Sri Swamiji then performs Sri Chakra Puja, Nava Avarana Puja, Annarchana (heap of rice), Devi Homa. Music concerts by reknowned musicians are held while Pujas take place. In the later part of the afternoon, Sri Swamiji or Bala Swamiji perform Abhishekam, Alamkara, Maha Mangalarati and Avadhana Sevas. Sacred chants from the four Vedas are sung. After giving away Prasadam to Puja participants, Sri Swamiji sings Devi Bhajans. Programs conclude around 8 PM.
DATTATREYA JAYANTI - The three day Datta Jayanti festival takes place in December every year. The festival marks the incarnation day of Adi Guru Dattatreya. This is a major festival of Datta Peetham. Daily programs include programs of Abhisheka to Dattatreya idol in the Universal Prayer Hall, Memorial service, Bhajans, Shastra Sadas for scholars, .

Social Projects 

"At the end of life we shall not be asked 
how much pleasure we had in it, but how much service we gave to it;
not how full it was of success, but how full it was of sacrifice;
not how happy we were, but how helpful we were;
not how much ambition was gratified, but how Love was served"

In this light, Sri Swamiji makes it a part of the mission of the Datta Peetham to provide service to the poor and the needy. Sri Swamiji has emphazised many times that spiritual life is not only meditation, it also includes service to those in need. This frame of mind, to work without personal gain and to surrender the fruits of one's actions to God, is called Karma Yoga. It is through the practice of Karma Yoga that the sense of "I" i.e. "I am the doer, "I am the enjoyer", "I am the sufferer"etc. is removed and is replaced by the realization that all creation, including one's self, is the manifestation of the one Supreme "I". Through the social services of the Peetham, Sri Swamiji has provided not only physical help to those in need, but also spiritual upliftment.
Datta Peetham and it's many branches have supported under Sri Swamiji's guidance numerous social projects since it was founded. These include: food, education, shelter, job training and free medical help to the poor. Currently the most notable on going project at the Mysore headquarters of the Peetham is the schooling of over 1800 pre-school and high school students.

In order to improve the general standard of education and to set an example of a model school, Datta Peetham took over the management of two dilapidated schools with 1800 children.
After the Peetham took over these schools in 1989 a vigorous program was launched to build a new school building. Administrative and financial support is also provided for. Today one large new building stands next to the old school where approximately 1200 students are taught. The remaining children get their teaching somewhere else in the neighbourhood. The Peetham provides all necessary financial assistance for both schools. It shoulders the cost of all supplies and building maintenance to ensure that the children will receive a proper education and a good chance to succeed in modern India.

The Peetham also provides for medical need of both local people and remote villagers. There is a hospital at the Peetham, where patients are looked after. In addition there is also a mobile hospital, which visits regularly villages where no medical facility of any kind is available. Medical help includes: Ayurvedic treatments (ancient Indian system of medicine), Dentistry, Cataract operation programs, free dispensary, Diabetes detection programs and monthly health checkup camps.

There is also an Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Unit which is engaged in preparing medicines in a traditional way. These medicines prepared here are put to use in the Ashram dispensary.
Datta Peetham has taken the service motto in the following areas
  • Ambulances to small towns for emergency medical assistance
  • Construction of toilet facilities in schools in impoverished areas
  • Assist scholars to publish their works
  • Conduct mass marriage of poor in backward and poor areas
  • Conduct Kriya Yoga camps in prisons to improve their quality of thought
  • Grant scholarships to students and scholars
  • Assist reconstruction of dilapidated temples
  • Donate furniture to schools
  • Free medical services (free advice and medicines where available) are being given in all branches of Ashrama.
  • Ammavodi, a home for destitute aged women is a shelter to aged women who have no one to care.
  • Gift equipment to physically handicapped like calipers, wheel chair,
  • Gift tools for self-employment of women. Sewing machines etc.,
  • Assist other organizations with financial help and skill set help

Organisations under Datta Peetham

VEDA PATHASHALA  – A traditional school to teach Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Sanskrit studies and priest training
More than 150 students study in the learning of the ancient knowledge listed above. The school is run in the Mysore Ashrama premises. The school is run under Guru Kula system.
Annual camps are held for women to learn the basic Puja system. Yajur Veda school is also run in Peethapuram town in Andhra Pradesh state.

Datta Peetham is running a school for communication impaired in Bangalore. Run with professional staff, the school attends to the special learning needs of a communication impaired child.

 His Holiness Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamij

 "People ask - who are you?

Think and you will experience Swamiji for yourself. Some people say yogi, man of miracles, healer, doctor, yoga man, magician; other say he follows the vedic way; some say confusion man - all are correct. Each person has his own way of looking at me but I say I am not a spiritual business man."

  His Holiness Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore, one of the greatest spiritual leaders of the present day is an asset to India and the world at large. He is an incarnation of the Great Cosmic Power. Revival of culture, reformation of society and establishing peace and happiness among mankind and transforming into godly men is his mission. His methods include: establishing Dharma.* and Bhakti.* by singing devotional hymns, by reciting the names of the Lord Almighty and inculcating the masses by instilling into them love of God through chorus singing of Bhajans and listening to his meditation-music.

  Sri Swamiji is traveling the world to help seekers discover that everything is God. In Him devotees find compassion, love and divine wisdom as He guides them on the path of Yoga sadhana - to discover and realize their true Self. Sri Swamiji conveys an important part of His message through His music, being noted for His namasankirtan. Sri Swamiji's music is devotional and used for spiritual energy transmission. This great master sings self-composed bhajans in Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and English and plays ayurvedic healing ragas on an electronic synthesizer, accompanied by musicians on classical Indian instruments. Devotees around the world claim to have received immense benefit through his concerts, everything from physical healing to spiritual guidance, and great outpourings of divine love.

  It is easier to describe what He does than to say who He is. To begin to know who he is one must experience him, one must adopt the attitude of a seeker of God. Sri Swamiji speakssimply and to the heart in fact He is a silent teacher who teaches through your own love and devotion . To experience Him is to begin to know one's own true self. 


Music is a force that unites Humanity the world over. Music has for centuries been known to have a pleasing appeal to both humans and animals. Music is a harmonizing factor in today's world which is full of conflicts and tensions. Transgressing man-made frontiers, Music sends the message of harmony, peace and brotherhood. Musical Ragas (Tunes) are said to help treatment of patients with afflictions of physical and mental nature, in certain conditions.

Parama Poojya Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore, India, Himself a great Musician and a composer, has been conducting Spiritual Music Concerts for meditation and Healing (Nada Chikitsa) in India and many other countries in Europe, America and Caribbean Islands. Listening to His Healing and Meditation music in person, or to his many recordings, is the melodical medicine prescribed by Sri Swamiji for all ailments and conditions ranging from Coma to Cancer and migraine to mental depression.


"The music therapy is combined with Ayurveda, Psychology, Gemenotherapy and Astrology" says Sri Swamiji. He further adds " I only effect a rapport between man and God, the supreme reality, with help coming from man himself in good measure. I attune man to God through belief and music. Once that results, body-consciousness vanishes gradually, and with that, affliction ceases to be experienced and ceases to exist. That is healing through Music and Meditation.

"There is no complication about it, once you are in tune with the 'modus operandi'. "Listen with your heart and not with your intellect" He insists, not without reason, for He is no purist composer or musician. Sri Swamiji's therapy lays stress on Ekagratha or concentration on the part of the Healer-Musician and listener. "Listening, " He says "is a special technique requiring Indriya nigraha or sense control." Cerebral sounds are aroused and long concentration on a Raga (tune) creates a healing effect on the listener. He Himself plays an synthesizer which produces the sounds of many instruments. He has opted for the synthesizer to reduce the number of accompanists in His concert troupe. The resounding synthesizer sets pace and the other instruments keep company, a melodious fusion sends the air.

Lord Dattatreya
The path of Dattatreya embraces all spiritual paths and is the source of all other traditions. He who treads the path of Truth, regardless of what religion he belongs to, is treading the path of Dattatreya. As an incarnation of God, Datta came down to spread the universality of true religion. Anyone can be his follower, regardless of cast, creed, status, be they student, householder, recluse or renunciate. No matter what sect or religion the true seeker follows, eventually he comes under the guidance of Lord Dattatreya, the Eternal Spiritual Guide of all mankind.

  Datta's presence is not limited to any one country or sphere, as He is the Guru of all Gurus, the all-seeing, all-powerful, ever-present link between God and Man. However, special places of worship (Datta Peethas) have grown up around sacred areas, where His presence is most strongly felt by the sincere seeker of Datta. These places include Suchindram, Senthamangalam, Mount Girnar, Nagalapuram in Andhra, Prayag, Datta Guha in the Himalayas, Gulbarga -Ganagapura, Narasimhavadi in Maharastra, Quthambara near Poona, Avadumbara, Somapuram, Chandradronagiri and Datta Peetha at Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Ashrama, Mysore.

  One notable aspect of these Datta Peethas is their indefinable but inseparable relationship with worship of God as Mother, the Supreme Energy -Shakti. (Hence, Sri Swamiji's fierce aspect as Mother Chamunda.) Parasurama (eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu), approached Lord Dattatreya and was initiated into the intricacies of how to worship the Mother (Shreevidya Upaasana), before undertaking intense penance to obtain the grace of the Divine Mother.

  The Saandilya Upanishad declares very clearly that Lord Dattatreya is the Supreme Reality and is the cause of everything that is created. It states, "The Supreme Brahman performed penance which was of the nature of knowledge (jnyana), and desiring to become many, assumed the form of Dattatreya. From that form came out the three letters A, U, M; the three mystical names Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah; the three-lined Gayatri; the three Vedas Rig, Yajur and Sama; the three Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara; the three castes Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vysya; and the three fires Gaarhapatya, Ashavaneeya and Dakshina."

"The lord is endowed with all wealth. He is all pervading and resides in the hearts of all beings. He is the great Maayavi, sporting with His own Maaya. He is Brahma. His Vishnu, He is Rudra. He is Indra and He is also all the gods of heaven and all other beings. He is East, He is West, He is North, He is South, He is below and He is above. He is everything. This is the glory of the form of Dattatreya."

  Lord Dattatreya came as the Supreme Philosopher (Avadhoota) so that the true meaning and purpose of Sacrifice (Tyaaga) may be revealed to mankind. Atri, His father, symbolizes penance (tapas) as described in the scriptures, and Anasooya represents freedom from jealousy. When penance and non-jealous nature unite in a single person, the highest truth emerges as Lord Dattatreya. As ultimate self-sacrifice, the Supreme God gave Himself as Datta to Atri and Anasooya. Hence, "Datta" means not only "that which is given", but also as the ideal of "giving" without desire for reward, i.e. selfless giving. The whole life of Dattatreya shows us that this "giving" selflessly is the true renunciation/sacrifice. The significance of this sacrifice is stated in the Dattatreya Upanishad where the Lord says, "Not by action, not by progeny, nor even by self, but by renunciation (tyaaga) alone is immortality attained. "Real renunciation is the giving up of "I" and mine, not the mere abandoning of duties. Living a selfless life require giving up one's ego. That is what Lord Dattatreya describes as true sacrifice.

  As a Yoga-Avatar, Lord Dattatreya teaches us to perform all our duties skillfully and diligently. Yoga does not require outside aids, nor does it demand great physical effort. All we have to do is change our outlook and transform our attitude to life. This "change" consist of giving up the idea or feeling of "doership", "enjoyership" and the resultant anxiety (and attachment ) for the fruits of our actions. By performing all our duties with this changed outlook, our mind will be freed from agitation and attain the restful state called "equanimity", or the state where there is no "mind". This is the state of Bliss that every soul ultimately aspires to. This is the state of Datta - the ultimate Gift of God. 

Sri Swamiji’s love for greenery and ecology is legendary. If Ashrama wears a green look, it is because of the enduring and affectionate attention Sri Swamiji and the trained dedicated volunteer garden staff put in since 30 years.
The Gardens in the Ashrama have developed over the past three decades. When the Ashrama began in 1966, one of the first horticultural activities was the planting of hundreds of non-hybridized coconut trees on its western boundary. These trees are still yielding coconuts today that are used for Puja and cooking. This was followed by the cultivation of roses, jasmine and other varieties of seasonal flowers for Puja use. Herbal plants were also started in different areas as time went on. In the early 80’s, the beautiful, tall and robust palm trees which now line the Ashrama’s main entrance road were planted.
In 1986, Sri Swamiji commenced the development of what is the present Herbal garden. Slowly, within this plot, the following various mini gardens dedicated to specific aspects of creation manifested: Rashi Vana (plants connected with signs in the zodiac system), Nakshatra Vana (plants connected with the 27 stars of Indian astrology), Raga Vana (plants connected with the sounds of Indian music scale), Saptarishi Vana (seven plants connected with the seven great Indian sages) and Panchayatana Vana (five gardens of plants connected with the worship of Mother Goddess). Existing in the midst of these gardens is the Akala Moksha Stupa.  It is a gigantic terra cotta shrine dedicated to the performance of Pujas honoring those who have met with unnatural deaths, such accidents, suicides, etc.
Also in 1986, a deer park was created. For close to a decade, deer lived within that enclosure as the original deer venue was full of newly planted trees. It was the intention that the trees would grow and reach a suitable level of maturity to survive the herbaceous diet of the deer. That deer park has now become the new KISHKINDHA MULIKA BONSAI GARDEN.
It is very difficult to adequately explain the Ashrama’s unique gardens with words. The diverse gardens now encompass over 4 acres! Come and have fun exploring the pleasing arrangements of plants and trees.

Message to Ashrama and Sri Swamiji

Avadhoota Datta Peetham 
Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Ashrama

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Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashrama
Datta Nagar
Mysore 570025

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